Mailbox rental home


The Virtual Domicile - How It Works


Here is how it works

Get a real California Address in Los Angeles, California

Your Address will be:


Your Name/Company Name

3705 W. Pico Blvd, #123

Los Angeles, CA  90019


The actual box # is selected by you when you place your order for mailbox rental service. Replace the above #123 with your suite or box number. Your mailbox rental address could also be:


Your Name/Company Name

3705 W. Pico Blvd, #12

Los Angeles, CA  90019

image of vine and leaves to serve as divider

Plus the Extras


Physical address in Los Angeles California U.S.A

 image of physical address map

Get a real U.S.A. address in Los Angeles California


The actual box # is selected by you when you place your order for mailbox rental service. Replace the above #12 with your suite or box number. 


San Diego California Location

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